Located in hebei province, is located in the northwest of China, hebei, shanxi, China, Beijing junction four of the north gate, which is the history and geography of the important cultural city. 位于中国河北省西北部,地处京、冀、晋、蒙四省市区交界处,是北京的北大门,也是历史上兵家必争之地,重要的地理文化名城。
A new method for all-silicon double-injection guided-wave electrooptic switch and modulator with junction gate control 全硅结栅控制双注入波导电光开关及调制器的一种新方案
In this model, the solving method of sediment transport equations under complex flow conditions has been presented, including sediment distribution method at junction nodes, and modification model at flood diversion gate. 选用了与实际情况较为吻合的汊点分沙求解方法,建立了分洪口门修正模式,采用适合于复杂流动状态下泥沙方程组的求解方法。
Some technology difficulties, such as the effect of narrow channel, the shallow junction contact and the quality of gate oxide etc., were solved. 某些技术难点,例如窄沟效应,浅结欧姆接触,栅氧化层质量等,得到解决。
The simulation results show that, in the 18V and 30V MOSFET, the breakdown point lies around the junction between the Drain and the Substrate, which is under the gate and close to surface. 模拟结果说明了对于耐压为18~30V的MOS器件,其击穿点位于栅下靠近表面的漏衬结处。
Our country inland junction construction often gave priority to the benefit of controlling flood, generating electricity etc in the past, and insufficient attention was given to navigation construction then a group of navigation-obstruction gate dams have appeared. 过去国内内河枢纽建设往往多以防洪、发电等效益为主,航运建设得不到应有的重视,出现了一批碍航闸坝。
As early as 2,100 years ago, it was the western junction of the southern and northern sections of the Silk Road within China, and the traffic hub and gate for China's economic and cultural exchanges with Western countries. 早在2100余年前,这里是丝绸之路中国段内南、北两道在西端的总汇点,是中国对西方经济文化交流的交通枢纽与门户之地。
Photodetector without sensitive area in the planar junction and its gate controlling device 无平面结敏感区及其栅控光探测器
The Josephson junction sys-tem is only virtually excited during the proceeding of quantum gate operations, thus its rapid decay and decoherence rates have limited influences on the quantum gate. 在实现量子门的过程中,约瑟夫森结系统一直处于虚激发的状态,其快速的退相干速率对量子门保真度的影响得到了很好的抑制。